It's time to get a new iPhone. You might not need to be aware of everything it can do but when you find out the amazing features this phone can do, you'll be able to imagine how you survived without it! Continue reading to learn some amazing tips for using the iPhone.
Don't download apps that aren't designed specifically for iPhone. When you download them, you're taking a risk with your phone's stability as well as usability. Other apps could be infected with viruses. Make sure to only use apps that have been approved for iPhones in order to make sure that your phone is capable of operating with maximum effectiveness.
To make restrictions for your smartphone, select "General," and then "Restrictions." Input a four-digit password that is easy to remember. You may want to put in restrictions especially if you're parent and would like to limit certain apps for your children. Putting the password in this way will allow you do this.
Disable push notifications to limit your data use and also extend the battery's life. Push notifications permit your phone to be connected to websites and email servers to receive an immediate notification whenever something occurs. Disabling this means that you need to monitor your emails, websites, or other apps for any alerts and messages However, it is significant in the way it affects the performance and functionality that your device.
Do you have websites that you check frequently from your mobile? Have you ever wished you could have a small icon of them on your home screen? Well, if it is an internet browser, you can open the page in Safari and click the Go To icon at the top of the screen. Then, you can choose to place it on the home screen of your device.
Capture the fleeting screen moments with the screenshot feature. To capture a screen shot with your iPhone just press your "Home" button while simultaneously pressing the "Sleep" button one time. There should be the screen flash white on your screen. the picture should be saved in your camera roll within minutes.
You can check all of your stocks and what the market is performing in the section for stocks on your iPhone. This section lets you see what your Dow Jones is doing at the moment, as well as a time-line of its progress and other articles to give you rapid access to market information.
If you are using an auto charger for your iPhone be sure that you don't plug in the phone in your car to the ignition when you turn it to on and off. The possibility of electrical spikes is present when you start or turn off your car which can damage the mainboard that powers your iPhone. If you decide to use the car charger, you should purchase only a brand-name charger since they generally have a better quality fuse to safeguard your device.
If you are a frequent user of certain terms or words frequently, which take up an enormous amount of minutes to write, the most efficient option is to include shortcuts. This can be done in the section Settings on the phone. For instance, "SYL" can be used to mean "see you later." The three letters you type will cause the phone to write the entire sentence.
If you are a frequent user of you iPhone on silent, you might want to customize the alerts to vibrate for different contacts. Go to General Settings, and then Accessibility, followed by Hearing. Select "Custom Vibrations" to activate this feature. You can then select among a variety of vibration patterns or make your own custom vibration. This lets you recognize the caller without having to check your screen or with an phone ringtone.
Do you need to save an important email to be read future use? Click it and select 'mark the email as not read'. This email will be displayed in a new email. This is a great way to remind yourself to go through the email for any errors for example, if you have to download an attachment or dial a number in the future.
The capability to purchase Kindle books directly from your phone's Kindle app was one of the casualties during a recent battle between Amazon and Apple. You can make use of your iPhone to buy books without having to use computers. Simply make use of Safari to browse to Amazon and buy your next book in just like you would with your computer at home. Make sure to select the iPhone within the "send to" menu!
Avoid using suggestions for words when you type on an iPhone. If you are typing, and constant word corrections start to bother you, simply tap the screen to clear the boxes. This means that you won't be required to tap the x every time.
Do you want to increase the battery lifespan on your iPhone? One suggestion you may consider is to turn off features like Location Services Wi-Fi, Location Services, and Notifications. The three options are well-known for draining battery life of your phone. If you'd rather keep these features active but you want to prolong the life of your battery by ensuring that the apps that utilize these features aren't "open". If your battery life are less then 30% you need to replace iPhone battery as soon as Possible.
One of the best advantages of the iPhone is its ability of sending and receiving emails effortlessly. There are apps for all major e-mail accounts like Yahoo, Gmail, and AOL. It is important to ensure that you carefully set up your account and follow all instructions in the instructions, since failing to follow a step can result in the application to malfunction.
Sometimes, your iPhone is confused by the position it's held in, and will switch between landscape to portrait constantly. It's not necessary to change location to stop this from happening. It is easy to disable your iPhone to only portrait mode. Simply open the Home menu, then swipe the most recent apps list between left and right. You will be able to access Music controls however the last icon on the list is display orientation lock.
After you have learned some clever tips to use your new iPhone You can apply these tips to make your life simpler. After that, you can look into your phone further to discover what it can do to bring joy to your life and assist you in living you live your life more effectively. The only thing you need to think about is making sure that you keep your what you do away with from the phone!